"Helping People Connect With God and Each Other"

Our Gatherings

We are in-person on Sundays for two identical services at 9 & 10:30 am  and streaming online during our 10:30 am service.

On Sundays, we have age-specific programs for kids from birth to 8th Grade that run during the entire one-hour experience, so we encourage you to come at least 15 minutes before the service so you have time to sign your kids in.  

We have plenty of accessible seating, so if you have any special needs – don’t worry!  We have you covered.  Our auditorium is also equipped with “hearing assist,” simply stop by our sound booth for a unit.

HAVE QUESTIONS?  Stop by our Info Centre (just inside the front doors), or give us a call and we would be glad to arrange a tour of our facilities or help with any questions you might have!

What We Believe

About the Bible

We believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God, infallible and authoritative in all matters of faith and practice.

About God

We believe in one God who exists eternally in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. 

About Jesus

We believe Jesus Christ to be the eternal Son of God who died for the sins of the world, rose from the dead, and ascended to the Father.

About the Holy Spirit

We believe the Holy Spirit indwells every believer, leading us into truth, convicting us of sin, and empowering us for service.

About Humankind

We believe that people are created in the image of God, but fell through sin, incurring both spiritual and physical death.

About Salvation

We believe salvation has been provided for all people through Christ's sacrifice on the cross.  Those who repent and believe in Christ are born again and receive eternal life.

About the Church

We believe in the universal church which is the Body of Christ, whose purpose is to glorify God and share the gospel with the world.

About Eternity

We believe there will be a final judgment where each person's eternal destination of heaven or hell will be determined by their response to Jesus Christ.

Church Membership

Want to know more about what it means to be an official member of New Hope?

Our Board

Steve Creery

Pat Soetemans

Elaine Maisel

Jon Uchacz

Meet the team

Joelle Axford

Worship Coordinator
Joelle leads our worship ministry team on Sunday mornings and throughout the week. She is passionate about seeing people connect to God through worship. When Joelle’s not playing music, you can find her snapping pictures, drinking coffee, rock climbing, playing with her dog Echo, and spending quality time with her family and friends. But most importantly, she’ll be laughing the loudest at  Greg’s jokes on a Sunday morning! 

Josh Swarath

Tech Coordinator
Josh runs our tech ministries at the church. He has a background in video and audio production from his day job at UWO, and running his own video company. This combined with his Bachelor of Arts in Media Information and Technoculture at UWO, where he also completed a minor in Religious Studies make him a great person to work with tech  here at the church. When he’s not at the church, he’s probably just working on another video project with someone else!

Karl Kilbourne

Facilities Coordinator
Karl is affectionately known as the guy with a dry sense of humour, who is a passionate animal lover, Pittsburgh Steelers fan, recycling guru, and an all-round great guy who creates the environment in the spaces we meet in.   

Nanci Harris

Office Coordinator 
Nanci has been part of New Hope forever and is an essential part of our office team.  Nanci is passionate about connecting with people and helping them connect with God through life groups and serving in various activities at New Hope.  She is currently loving hanging out with 2 and 3 year olds in our Kids ministry!

Cheryl Sauve

Administrative Assistant
Cheryl and her husband Shane have three energetic children who keep them on the move.  She loves to watch sports and play baseball as well as spending time outside gardening, fishing, and going for walks, but the most important things to her are her family and faith. She is passionate about helping others, and is currently a volunteer in our kids ministry at New Hope.

Greg Wyton

Founding Pastor
In 1992, Greg founded New Hope with a desire to help connect people with God and each other, particularly those not typically drawn to church. He currently leads the Sunday teaching team and indulges in his lifelong interest in sports and classic Chevy muscle cars. Greg’s bucket list is getting shorter and shorter but if anyone could fix him up with flying a fighter jet he’d be forever grateful.

Denise Swaenepoel

Associate Pastor
Denise leads our LifeGroup Ministry, provides Spiritual Care and oversees the administrative functions of New Hope.  She is part of our Sunday communications team and has a passion to connect people.  She is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Theology.  She loves sitting on the dock of the bay during summer months and absolutely loves playing tennis.  One thing that she can’t live without is coffee.

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